Who we are
We are a team of experienced, cross-disciplinary consultants bringing new perspectives and innovative solutions to all our projects
A&P’s directors are experienced in leading, delivering, and managing impactful place-based policies and strategies, environmental interventions, cultural initiatives and workspace across the country.
In addition to advising clients as consultants, we have led governance and operational change programmes from within local authorities and third sector organisations. This gives us a unique understanding of the complexities and competing interests—and of the wide-ranging opportunities—that come with delivering change in places.
Alex Russell
Specialisms: place-based strategy, inclusive economies, communications and engagement, facilitating change, delivery models and partnerships
Daniel McCarthy
Specialisms: Planning & development, masterplans, development appraisals and modelling, asset strategies, housing and infrastructure, mixed use
Paul Augarde
Specialisms: cultural strategy, placemaking, regeneration, commercial strategy
The team
We work with a talented team who complement our skills and bring different perspectives to projects
Rumi is an Urban designer and Regeneration Consultant with programme and project management, local authority-led public realm delivery, policy and placemaking experience.
As a community development and engagement practitioner, Valeria has substantial experience of managing transformation within the public and community sectors. Her background is in regeneration, youth violence and social care.
Herta is an urban development practitioner (MRTPI) experienced in creating place-based visions, strategies and programmes, developed through stakeholder engagement and delivered in partnership with local organisations to address community needs. Herta also co-founded the CASH Community Benefit Society and is active in community-led housing
Adam is an experienced cultural leader with a proven track record supporting teams and places to exceed expectations
Jenny has experience in affordable housing, planning, regeneration, asset management and public housing appraisal and development
Paula is a socioeconomic regeneration professional experienced in working strategically and operationally with communities and alongside large-scale housing regeneration. She is adept at developing cross sector partnerships to facilitate sustainable models of local delivery and increased social impact.
As an accomplished city-builder with two decades of experience working on social, economic and physical regeneration programmes in the UK and North America, Jamie has led teams across the public, private and non-profit sectors to deliver successful and sustainable places, address the decline of town centres, develop new models of service delivery, and effect broad policy change.