Hackney Wick & Fish Island Community Development Trust

Alex Russell has helped set up and scale the Hackney Wick & Fish Island Community Development Trust to deliver impact through better use of land and space, establishing a circular economy strategy, mapping ownership of all landholdings in the LLDC area, and implementing a strategy for acquiring underused land.

The CDT now has an established Board and is a designated legacy vehicle for the Hackney Wick & Fish Island Creative Enterprise Zone to enhance creative industry in the area. The CDT has secured several benefits for Hackney Wick: High Streets for All funding from the Greater London Authority; a 20,000 sqft meanwhile site for a circular economy hub through UCL and LLDC; option on a permanent space for circular economy activities through LB Hackney; and strategic partnerships with Hackney, Tower Hamlets, and LLDC, giving the community influence on masterplanning and funding as well as access to private sector developers.


Whipps Cross Hospital Strategic Review


Enfield Town Centre Action Plans & Estate Regeneration