Enfield Place Shaping Framework  

Augarde & Partners were commissioned by Enfield Council to review and enhance their place shaping approach across the borough in line with the emerging new Local Plan. The project aimed to assess the team's progress, redefine priorities, and strengthen relationships both within the Council and externally. 

 We began by reviewing key data, policies, and the progress of town centre initiatives, while facilitating workshops with internal Council teams to align goals and aspirations. This collaborative process led to a new Place Shaping Framework that focused on supporting the borough’s growth through targeted interventions and strong partnerships across the borough. 


The final deliverables included outline Place Plans for the 11 priority placemaking areas across Enfield identified in the Local Plan, building on the Town Centre Action Plans, which outlined the steps required to optimize resources and impact. Members of the Council’s Journey’s & Places Team will implement these plans, shaping clear roadmaps for vibrant, inclusive, and thriving places. 


Basingstoke Place Vision and Place Journey (Meanwhile) Strategy


Hoo Penninsula Community Infrastructure Plan